
  • Aziza Marasulova
  • Tatyana Z. Dzhandubaeva
  • Vasily Olegovich Mironov
  • Victor A. Shestak
  • Anatoly Yu. Olimpiev


human rights, legal protection, management, cybernetics, social system, civil society, state


: Relevance. The study is relevant since the system of civil society consists of many actors (individuals, organizations, communities), changing and complementing each other, and the perception, processing and transmission of information presuppose their possible behavior. The formation of behavioral patterns and the development of civil society depend on the information received by an individual or a community and its further consideration. Properly selected information is a specific managerial model applicable to an individual (or social group) under certain conditions and circumstances. It is generally accepted that civil society is the foundation of democracy and freedom of information. The more developed civil society is, the more grounds for democratic forms of state there will be. On the contrary, the less developed civil society is, the more perquisites for authoritarian and totalitarian regimes of state power appear. The degree of individual freedom, human and civil rights and guarantees of their implementation in each specific case largely depends on a particular state regime. Study objective. The article aims at studying the role of the state in the formation and functioning of civil society. If the state does not show its power or impose its will (coercion) in certain spheres of public life, everything will end up in disorder and chaos. This rule mostly applies to civil society as a selfregulatory system that needs constant state control. Therefore, there is an objective connection between the state and civil society (in which the state dominates) in relation to certain cases. Methods. The main research method was the deductive method to study the nature and role of information in forming and developing civil society institutions. To solve the study objective, we determined the role of the state in the formation and functioning of civil society. Results. The article tries to determine the role of information in the complex legal mechanism of forming and developing civil society institutions with due regard to the application of the cybernetic approach. In Russia, the phenomenon of civil society has a dual social and legal nature. On the one hand, it forms "from above" rather than "from below" (at the will of state). The latter can control the development of civil society using the information obtained by its institutions. On the other hand, civil society is a complex and open social system, whose development depends on the development of its constituent elements. The dialectical possibility of such development is provided by the information exchanged by elements of the system which cannot be completely controlled by the state.





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