Influence of Economic Crises on the Sphere of Tourism: Myths and Reality


  • Gulnara Faridovna Valeeva
  • Oleg Aleksandrovich Bunakov
  • Boris Mojshevich Eidelman
  • Liliya Raisovna Fakhrutdinova


tourism transformation, coronavirus, economic crisis in tourism, tourism


In this article the authors analyze the main economic crises which took place in the second half of XX and the beginning of the 21st centuries in a section of their influence on the sphere of tourism. Statistics of World Tourism Organization showing continuous growth of the sphere of tourism despite any economic shocks is provided. During the research was found the fact that practically all people are not ready to refuse travel and, despite considerable difficulties, all the same go to a travel (sometimes the directions and type of rest only change). As a result authors come to a conclusion that along with unconditional negative influence of any economic crisis there are also many positive factors for the sphere of tourism which allow to look at the general provision and further development of this industry positively





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