
  • Oleg V. Grigorash
  • Alexander I. Trubilin


work efficiency, quality of discipline mastering, educational work, teacher


Modern universities do not offer effective methods for assessing the quality of teachers’ academic work. The aim of the research is to increase the objectivity of assessing the quality of training students. The article proposes a structural block diagram of a computer network for monitoring the academic work of university teachers, including a central computer designed for processing and storing information, and personal computers of teachers and training support departments for entering information. Criteria and indicators for assessing the quality of the teaching work are offered, as well as analytical expressions for calculating the individual indicator of the quality of teachers’ work, of students’ discipline, and the effectiveness of the department. To increase the objectivity of teaching work evaluation, students’ knowledge should be assessed not only during examinations, but also during in-term certifications. In addition, when assessing the quality of mastering a subject, students are asked to consider the scope of classroom activities and the qualifications of teachers in this subject. The proposed method of quality assessment of teachers and the department will provide an objective evaluation of the quality of the students’ training not only in one subject, but also in their field of discipline. In addition, the proposed ways of quality assessment of students’ knowledge and the of effectiveness of teaching activities will allow making prompt changes in the organization of the educational process and the content of the curriculum, changing the content and technology of teachers’ professional development, which in combination will improve the quality of training and the level of demand for university graduates in the labor market.





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