Role and Functions of Humanity's Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage Masterpieces in International Tourism (On Example of Russian Objects)


  • Oleg Evgenievich Afanasiev


intangible heritage sites, UNESCO intangible cultural heritage list, role of intangible heritage in tourism, masterpieces of intangible cultural heritage


The presence of a country's objects on various global ratings and lists of sights is currently a symbol of state prestige and significance. However, such lists affect the formation of tourist flows. One of these important lists is a list of Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage masterpieces of the peoples of the world compiled under the aegis of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The Russian Federation is not a party in the Convention for the Safeguarding of this type of heritage, so the country is poorly represented on the list which does not reflect the role and importance of Russian culture in the global context. The experience of involving in the tourist industry even the two Russian objects from the Intangible Heritage List by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization shows the significant potential for forming tourist flows and developing tourist complexes based on the flows. The author examines three types of transformation of Russian intangible cultural heritage into a tourism product: 1) museum facilities; 2) theme parks; 3) heritage sites in the natural environment. The author also distinguishes three forms of intangible heritage representation in the tourist industry. These forms allow tourists to visit and get acquainted with the site and landscape of intangible heritage, a certain type of culture wherein the heritage develops and a prominent person who is a bearer and custodian of the tradition. Moreover, the article deals with the threats that the objects of intangible heritage may face in the process of involvement in the tourist and hospitality industry. The conclusion to the article contains some relevant proposals for ensuring the sustainable development of tourism based on the Russian intangible heritage sites.





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