Development of Methodological Provisions for the Assessment of National Food Security in Russia


  • O.I. Khairullina


norms, consumption, population, access, nutrition, food security


Ten years have passed in Russia since the adoption of the first Doctrine of the country food security. This problem is of paramount importance for the country and it is being actively developed at the state level. This article presents a comparative description of the methodological provisions to determine the food independence of the country until 2020 and after based on the developed and approved Doctrine of food security in Russia. The tasks of food security provision are grouped, the features of food security indicator formation and calculation in Russia are disclosed. They determined the fundamental differences in the calculation of food independence and the expected changes in the threshold values of the indicators after the entry of the Doctrine 2020 into force. The advantages and disadvantages of innovations are identified. They proposed the directions of the methodological foundation improvement for national food security.





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