Trends of Development of the Industry of Tourism after End of Coronavirus


  • Boris Mojshevich Eidelman
  • Oleg Aleksandrovich Bunakov
  • Liliya Raisovna Fakhrutdinova
  • Gulnara Faridovna Valeeva


tourist routes, tourist destinations, digitalization of the industry of tourism, internal tourism, trend of development of the industry of tourism, coronavirus


In this article the main directions of development of the industry of tourism in the conditions of the global crisis connected with a coronavirus infection are considered. The share of the branch of tourism in GDP of various countries of the world, quantity occupied in tourism considering allied industries and the place which is taken by Russia on these indicators are shown. In work top trends which will take place after overcoming the crisis phenomena in economy of Russia caused by fight against a disease are allocated and in detail considered. In particular were carried to their number: digitalization of the industry of tourism; significant reduction of number of small travel agencies; significant growth of a share of internal and entrance tourism; development of tourist routes in various regions of Russia; active development of types of tourism, rather new to Russian Federation, such, as ecological, farmer, medical, event and some other. In work it is specified that the crisis caused by a coronavirus pandemic acts as the powerful accelerator and the amplifier of the trends stated above. Its fastest permission in modern conditions will act as the important factor promoting forward and effective development of the industry of tourism and the related industries in the Russian Federation.





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