Education and morale building activity of youth as systemforming factors in providing the national security of Russia: a model of empirical research


  • Valentina B. Salakhova
  • Tuyana Ts. Dugarova
  • Maria A. Erofeeva
  • Aldar V. Damdinov
  • Tatiana G. Karpova
  • Roman V. Pakhomov


national security, a model of empirical research, morale building activity, safety of the educational environment, education


The interest in studying the problem of education and morale building activity of youth as system-forming factors in providing national security did not arise accidentally. The current social situation in the country is characterized by an increase in objective risks to the national security of the Russian Federation and the growing importance of the system of education and morale building in reduction and prevention of such risks. The leitmotif of the scientific research is that in current conditions one of the important tools to provide national security could be the purposeful development of the system of education which previously was hardly ever studied in the appropriate context completely. The paper presents the empirical research model of education and morale building of young people, developed by the authors, as system-forming factors in ensuring the national security of Russia. The authors of the paper carried out a theoretical and methodological analysis of this problem and, based on its results, substantiated a program of methodological research. The markers and indicators of empirical research were identified and methodological tools were made up. It was proved that the use of the developed interdisciplinary model will make it possible to conduct a study at a high methodological level, and the results obtained will make a significant contribution to the study of the problems of existing and potential risks to the system of Russian education, their impact on the national security of the Russian Federation; to develop an algorithm and programs for monitoring changes in education that have an effect on the national security of the Russian Federation.





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