Euphemistic substitution in linguistic worldview of peoples of Siberia (based on comparative material of the Yakut and Evenki languages)


  • Tamara Egorovna Andreeva
  • Irina Pavlova
  • Kirill Namsarayevich Struchkov


Evenki language, Yakut language, syntactical transposition, comparative material, linguistic worldview, traditional culture


: In the present work, an attempt has been made to examine and compare the lexical material of the Yakut and Evenki languages which makes it possible to identify the common and different traits in the ethic groups' linguistic worldviews. Native peoples of Siberia have long lived together on the vast territory in the same severe climate and have such identical occupations as hunting and fishing. Hunting holds a special place in the lifestyle of Siberian ethnoses as it is the main occupation of the men, the source of food and the object of spiritual reflection, which is why it is a valuable fragment of the linguistic worldview. The semantic structure of euphemisms in the vocabulary of taboo speech is an essential matter in the study of linguistic prohibition. While encompassing certain areas of conventional vocabulary, the prohibition prevents certain levels of vocabulary from being used. This happens in the formal plane but in close connection to the semantic plane of lexis. The result of the prohibition is the need to find a new form to replace the prohibited one. The materials of the Yakut and the Evenki show the same type of euphemistic substitution means; there is the semantic and syntactical transposition. From the point of the semantic transposition, there are common methods of euphemism creation – the nominations based on metaphors are predominant. The usage of dialect words specific to a certain area is a distinct technique that reflects the differences in languages and cultures.





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