Development of Interregional Cooperation in the Field of Tourism on the Basis of Intangible Cultural and Historical Resources in the Regions of the Central Black Earth Economic Region


  • Raisa M. Ivanova
  • Olga V. Skrobotova
  • Nadezhda K. Martynenko
  • Tatiana V. Tkacheva
  • Boris P. Tkachev


development of geographic information technologies, cadastre, development of the tourism complex, digital platform, tourism industry


: Cooperation in the field of tourism is determined by the fact that main categories of tourism are mainly places to visit and carry cultural functions. In this regard, the representation of tourist complexes in the global space, which is characterized by both globalization and the localization of individual territories and unique natural tourist complexes, becomes important. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that the paper highlights the aspects of tourism development as part of the digital development of the region. The authors demonstrate the possibility of creating a holistic product on the basis of the digitalization of the tourism industry and form the necessary infrastructure, which allows to integrate the tourism development process into digital tourism development programs. This aspect fully reflects the requirements for the development of tourism, not only on the basis of intangible cultural and historical resources, but also increases interest in the region at large. The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that due to the development of the tourist complex, the attractiveness of the tourist region for investment and the growth of gross product, which is determined by a set of functions and indicators, is formed. The paper reveals the aspects of organizational, technical and information support for the development of the tourism industry.





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