The Improvement of the Quality of Educational and Moral Education Activities at Higher Education Institutions


  • Maria A. Erofeeva
  • Galina S. Goloshumova
  • Pati K. Ramazanova
  • Victoria A. Matanis
  • Igor V. Bessonov
  • Irina G. Evseeva
  • Olga V. Anufrieva
  • Olga V. Anufrieva


personality of a student, moral education activity, higher professional education, mentoring


A system of values, attitudes, beliefs, persuasions, ideals and other personal constructs that determine personal development in future is formed in the educational process at a higher education institution. During the period of training, the institutional impact on a person is completed and further personal changes are formed through the prism of practical experience. That is why this period is very important for the formation and development of a competitive and hardy person. Using the multi-tier structure of higher education, a qualitatively new level of professional training of students can be achieved. The current social, economic and political situation in Russia sets special requirements for the goals and objectives of higher professional education in general and for the future professional in particular. Today, higher professional education should provide high-quality training of highly qualified specialists, as well as a search for and introduction of new forms, methods, technologies in educational work with students. Mentoring of students as activity directed towards the improvement of the educational process quality can be used to achieve these goals, along with traditional methods in the educational space of a higher education institution. The purpose of our work was to study the concept of “mentoring” in the system of moral education and increasing the effectiveness of this activity in the process of morale building activity of a higher education institution. The paper contains the analysis of the theoretical foundations of the concepts of “moral education” and “mentoring”. The program “Mentoring activities in the educational space of students” was designed and tested. It has been proved that mentoring has an effect on the adaptive abilities of students, and it is an effective method of increasing the personal-adaptive potential of students, and also has an effect on the individual typological qualities of students forming a competitive person.





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