Investigating the Effect of Organizational Culture Factors on Success of Business Intelligence Factors


  • Niousha Zeidyahyaee
  • Sajjad Shokouhyar


organizational learning, system acceptance, organizational culture, business intelligence


In the realm of information technology the human effects on success or failure of systems has always been a topic of debate for researchers. In this regard organizational culture has attracted a growing internet among researchers in recent years. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of organizational culture on success of business intelligence system in Arayasasol company. For this purpose, a conceptual model has been developed from the literature. Data gathering were done questionnaire and 287 filled questionnaires were collected from employees who are in direct contact with business intelligence system. Results showed all the developed hypotheses were supported. Managerial implications with directions for future research were presented at the final section of this research.





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