The Pedagogical Technology of Manager: Professional Potential Development in The System of Business Education


  • Marina Georgiyevna Sergeeva
  • Dmitry Vladimirovich Lukashenko
  • Mikhail Nikolaevich Burnakin
  • Nadezhda Nikolaevna Bedenko
  • Vera Viktorovna Kolchina


specialist’s professional potential, employable specialist, system of business education, Manager


The significance of education as one of the basic premises of complex and dynamic development of a society is stated in the most important document which is the National Educational Doctrine of the Russian Federation, which determines the key modernization directions of the Russian educational system. Management culture being an indicator of manager professional potential development is an important element of the specialist’s effectiveness in the sphere of management. Individual qualities which are the most preferable for each manager include universal human characteristics, psychological and intellectual qualities, “a businessperson” qualities, as well as communicative and professional qualities. A manager with the above-mentioned qualities is considered to be a reference standard in the sphere of management and is able to carry out an effective professional activity under the market conditions. The essence of the management culture lies in the usefulness and necessity of a comprehensive representation of a culture-based model and the realization by the teacher of creative management policy at the stages connected with self-management and the organization of a creative educational process. The main components of management culture include the axiological, technological and creative ones. The axiological component comprises a complex of managerial pedagogical principles and applied competences playing an important role in the management of an educational institution. The technological component covers the strategies and methods of management. The level of management culture development is directly dependent on the acquired ability to use the strategies and methods for solving problem situations and tasks connected with the company functioning. The creative component represents itself in the teacher’s capacity for creativity in the context of acquiring and using modern managerial technologies.





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