principles of communal attitude to the world, spiritual community (sobornost’), self-determination, basic national values, national educational idealAbstract
The relevance of the study is due to the contradiction between the social order that defines the strategic goal of modern Russian general education as spiritual and moral development and education of students on the basis of fundamental national (all-Russian, civil, and ethnic, Russian) values and the uncertainty of the systematization criterion and substantial characteristics of national (ethnic, Russian) values, which are the main content of spiritual and moral development, education and socialization of students. The purpose of the study is to identify the criterion of systematization of national (ethnic, Russian) values that reflect the originality and depth of the Russian (national, Russian, ethnic) mentality and are the main content of the spiritual and moral development, education and socialization of students, and the formulation on its basis of the principles of self-determination of personality in Russian national culture. The leading approaches to the study of this problem were the systemic, culturological (cultural-historical) and axiological approaches, which made it possible to comprehensively consider the problem of the criterion of a reasonable systematization of the basic national (ethnic, Russian) values, reflecting not only the "areas of social relations, activity and consciousness" set forth in federal state concepts regulating the modern domestic educational process, but also the principles (qualities) of a person’s relationship (personality relationship) to the world as a whole, really determining the uniqueness and depth of the Russian (national, Russian, ethnic) mentality. The study confirmed that the criterion, "the system-forming element" of the basic national (ethnic, Russian) values, "preserved in the religious, cultural, social, historical, and family traditions of the peoples of Russia, passed down from generation to generation and ensuring the effective development of the country in modern conditions", is the “spiritual community” (sobornost’ - spiritual community, collectivism, collegiality), which is genetically associated with numerous concepts of Russian philosophy (anthropocosmism; all-unity (sophiology); the universal humanity of Russian culture; the concept of “radiant humanity”; non-resistance to evil by violence; the concept of noosphere (sphere of reason); the concept of community (communality); pneumatosphere (sphere of spirit); "rose of the world"; "symphonic personality"; the solar meaning of history; philosophy of the common cause, etc.), on the basis of which were formulated the principles of communal attitude to the world as the basis of self-determination of personality in Russian national culture. The materials of the article are of practical value for determining the value reference points, content, main directions, principles, planned results, methodological foundations, features of the organization of spiritual and moral development, education and socialization of the student’s personality in modern conditions.