The discipline ‘foreign language’ within the concept of lifelong learning in the Educational System of the Russian Federation


  • Natalya Ignatyeva
  • Irina Zhdankina
  • Yulia Sysoeva
  • Dary Bykova
  • Olga Belousova
  • Liliya Meteleva


communication, skills formation, cognitive competence, foreign languages, lifelong education


The present study discusses the place of the discipline ‘Foreign language’ in the educational system within the concept of lifelong learning (LL) in accordance with the Concept of long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, which lists the principles of project activities implemented in the prioritized national project ‘Education’. Nowadays, special attention is paid to studying foreign language (FL) as an instrument of international communication, to developing cooperation in the educational field, to increasing the possibility of LL and to deepening knowledge in various fields. In modern Russia, new methodological approaches to FL study are in active development, which allows speaking about qualitative changes in the internationalization of the educational system, in the development of international educational programs and in the increasing number of participants in multicultural educational and scientific projects and processes. The present work analyzes the methodological approach to the study and development of FL at all stages of education (secondary, higher and scientific). The authors regarded the most modern regulatory documents (reflecting the latest trends in education) for compliance of the implemented approaches to FL with the existing requirements and challenges of competitive education. The work lists basic requirements for FL study in terms of their continuity and evolution depending on the level of education. In addition, methods and techniques for achieving the necessary level of FL learning are discussed. The authors reach the conclusion that mastering the FL within the educational system of the Russian Federation is in compliance with the concept of LL, yet the requirements for and the results of mastering the discipline are not yet consistent and progressive enough.





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