Assessing the accessibility of additional education of children by the results of researching the social order from state and municipal authorities, public organizations and business community


  • Angelina V. Zolotareva
  • Igor S. Sinitsyn
  • Julia V. Sukhanov


personification, personalization, techniques for increasing informational accessibility, social order, factors of accessibility of additional education, accessibility of additional education, additional educational programs, additional education


The contemporary period of development of the Russian system of additional education is characterized by numerous changes, the most important of which is the transition to educational programs management, personified accounting and financing. Ultimately, this determines the need to increase the accessibility of additional education programs by researching the social order from the state and municipal authorities, public organizations and business community. Applying this tool is due to the fact that it determines the content of additional education and serves as the main criterion of assessing the quality of its results. The present research is aimed at revealing the features of social order for additional education for children in Russia from three main groups of principals: the state, the society and an individual. The research was carried out in Yaroslavl and comprised 1684 representatives of state and municipal authorities, public organizations and business community, who are able to estimate the accessibility of additional education programs and create conditions for increasing it. The research results revealed the portrait of a modern young person and the spheres through which a modern society member can be formed. It is highlighted that an essential role is played by organizations for additional education for children, while working with talented children is an important sphere of their activity. We studied the awareness of respondents about the organizations for additional education for children in the proximity to their place of residence, about their spheres of activity and source of information about them. This enabled to define the measures for improving and developing the system of additional education for children in the regions, providing their accessibility and quality. The article shows these aspects by the example of increasing the informational accessibility of additional education. The authors show the capabilities of personalization and personification for provision of the above process. The research results are of interest for municipal and regional authorities in the sphere of education, heads of organizations for additional education for children, and teachers of additional education.





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