
  • Natalia V. Tyutyuma
  • Antonina F. Tumanyan
  • Anastasiya N. Bondarenko
  • Ruslan K. Tuz


yield increase, yield structure, water-use ratio, consumptive water use, irrigation, strains


: In crop growing, crops are closely connected with the environment. The maximum yield of high quality can be obtained only in case of a favorable combination of all the factors of plants development and agrotechnological approaches. However, the deficiency of one of the microelements required for the plant growing inhibits its development and the lack – leads to its death. A demand in high yield and ecologically clean production, improvement in the qualitative parameters of the final product, cleaning the soil from chemical substances and heavy metals provoked an increased interest in the development of ecologically-oriented systems of farming that are based on a steady replacement of some agricultural chemicals with biological products, primarily, microbiological drugs. Microbiological drugs positively influence the accumulation of the plant biomass during the vegetation. The effectiveness of inoculation depends on the varietal peculiarities of crops, the level of soil fertility, weather conditions, and strains that are contained in the drugs. The study lasted from 2011 to 2014 at the facilities of the Caspian Sea Agrarian Federal Research Center of RAS (CSAFRCRAS). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of new nitrogen-fixing microbiological drugs Agrophil, Mizorin, Flavobacterin, and Rhizoagrin-204 on the yield of spring crops on light-chestnut alkaline soil in Astrakhan Oblast. Agrotechnological measures included generally accepted agrotechnological methods according to the regionbased recommendations. The authors performed field trials, observations, and measurements using generally accepted methods. The present article describes the results of the studies on the influence of microbiological drugs on the productivity of spring crops on light-chestnut alkaline soil. The authors specified the most efficient variants of cultivation of the studied crops. The study results showed that the best parameters of yield structure and biological yield were obtained in the variants that involved Flavobacterin, Mizorin, and Agrophil. Nitrogen-fixing microbiological seed dressing showed its growth-stimulation activity. The maximum yield increase that ranged from + 0.5 to +1.2 t/ha in comparison with the control variant was obtained in the variants that involved Flavobacterin, Mizorin, and Agrophil. Biological yield in spring wheat was 4.0 t/ha, and in spring barley – 4.8-4.9 t/ha.





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