
  • Alexander Karpik
  • Dmitry Lisitsky
  • Alexey Osipov
  • Vyacheslav Savinykh


matrix games with nature, formal-logical conceptualization, tenor of technology, geoinformation


The topicality of the study is conditioned by the need to develop a new paradigm for constructing the geoinformational space in terms of geoinformational activities on the territory in connection with the change of technology tenors. The objectives of the work are to identify the essence and principles of the new geospatial paradigm, to substantiate the basic prerequisites for development of fundamentally new ideas about geographical space and spatial data infrastructure and for modernization of the means and technologies for processing geoinformation. The methods of formal-logical analysis, linear programming, and the theory of matrix games with nature were used. The results of the study. The authors proposed a new interpretation of the concept of “geospace” as a kind of socio-cultural reality “laid over” the territory. Conclusions are made regarding the features and correlation of the “space” and “territory” concepts. The essential characteristics of geoinformation supply of vital activity in different epochs, as well as features and differences of corresponding geoinformation paradigms were considered from the standpoint of the structural-functional approach. The authors carried out a formal logical analysis of conceptualization of vital activity in the surrounding geospace, associated with optimizing of the use of the resources based on all-encompassing geoinformation support. The concept of “geofragment” is introduced as an elementary unit of geospace, in which technological and/or natural processes occur and interactions of objects from different spaces take place. Theoretical and practical value. The authors proposed new approaches to solving the problems of correlation of physical and geoinformation space. Application of these approaches in technological discourse allows one to define and improve ways and means of geospatial support for optimization of territorial management. The conclusions. Through combination of new ideas, potential opportunities, and structural transformations, the new paradigm of geoinformation space sets the vector for the formation of the modern geospatial industry providing systemic support for the needs of society and focused on services and activities optimizing the use of territorial resources





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