
  • Nadezhda V. Karnauh
  • Rosa K. Sanabasova
  • Marina V. Voronina


prosopographic method, historical reconstruction, Professor of Russian universities, succession, Dorpat Professorial Institute


The relevance of the research is stipulated by the necessity of solving the problem of preserving the national identity of Russian higher education in the conditions of education globalization. The implementation of this process is impossible without previous generations domestic experience reflection. In this regard, this article examines the effective experience of training at the Dorpat Professorial Institute of the new formation, which in the first half of 19th century could add national character to Russian universities through the creation of the first Russian scientific schools. The leading methods of studying this problem are historical modeling and prosopographic methods, study and analysis of archival sources. Their use makes it possible to consider Dorpat Professorial Institute as a historical and pedagogical phenomenon. The article presents the system of training of university teachers of European type and level, created at Professorial Institute. The system was created as a result of the historical reconstruction. The use of the prosopographic method made it possible to create a collective biography of professors studied in this Institute, to identify common features in the style of their professional activity. The study and analysis of archival sources associated with the activities of Professorial Institute and memories of its alumnus made it possible to conclude that the Institute created an optimal model for the education of modern university professorship, the implementation of which was carried out by immersing the students in the atmosphere of scientific research under the guidance of professors and mentors. This article presents a definition of “scientific and pedagogical school” concept corresponding to the cultural and historical context of the first half of 19th century. Based on the fact that Dorpat Professorial Institute represented a training school for future professors, the essence of “Scientific and pedagogical school” category is justified in the article as a strategic priority for professors’ training, prevailing over the very task of good scientists’ training for the country. The information contained in the article are of practical value for the further researches of actual problems and forecasting prospects for scientific and pedagogical personnel training system development in Russia, the development of theoretical provisions for the Russian universities teaching staff training optimization at the present stage.





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