The Structural Analysis of the poem “Nasimi Az Diar-e-Ashti” (The Breeze of Reconciliation) by Fereidoun Moshiri Based on dual contrast theory


  • Elnaz Alipoor Berenji
  • Reza Ashrafzadeh
  • Majid Taghavi Behbahani


Dual interaction, Poetic Structure, “Nasimi Az Diar-e-Ashti” (The Breeze of Reconciliation), Fereydoon Moshiri


Contrasts are a fundamental concept that has been addressed to humans since the beginning of creation, and later found in both literary and semantic levels in literature. The Contrasts allow the creator of the work to create the context necessary to increase the level of audience understanding by creating a comparative space. In the poem “Nasimi Az Diar-e-Ashti” (The Breeze of Reconciliation), Fereydoon Moshiri has created a meaningful contrast with his deliberate juxtaposition of words and meaning and has reflected some of his humanistic views. In this article, based on the foundations of the dual interaction theory and the application of the descriptive-analytical method, this collection is examined from the point of view of structuralism in order to answer the main question “what kind of messages did the poet convey to his audience?” Studies show that Fereydoon Moshiri mentioned the contrast of "laughter / crying, waking / sleeping, kindness / evil, peace / violence" on the lexical level. This conflict at the semantic level includes: "Patience / Scream, Wood / Fire, Enemy / Reconciliation and Light (Lights, Speech) / Darkness (Ignorance, Sword)". The poet stated various ethical, cultural and social issues under each conflict, and has endorsed a poem full of signs of poetic populism and literary affection.





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