Rumi's View on the Character of the Complete Person (al-Insān al-Kāmil)


  • Maryam Faridzadeh
  • Reza Sharifzadeh


theosophy, Masnavi Ma’anavi, perfect human being, Mowlavi


Perfect human being is one of the essential and primary topics in Islamic theosophy. The discussion pertains to the way a person can achieve perfection while the human being has been created in the best time and under the best conditions as ruled in out holy texts. The question raised here is that on what path should this divine version and mirror of royal magnificence step to attain perfection? Mowlavi is amongst the sages proposing a lot of topics about the perfect human being; in his works, especially Masnavi Ma’anavi (spiritual couplet poems), he has presented a lot of discussions about the perfection of the human beings. The present article tries exploring a few of the issues posited about the perfect human being from the perspective of Masnavi Ma’anavi; it will be hypothesized that perfection is not a thing outside the human essence and that whatever the human beings want should be sought inside





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